“What time is it?”

“EGO Time”  is an expression that my father told me about when I was a kid. EGO is an acronym for “Evening Glass-Off” and it is pronounced by sounding out each letter E, G, O. Not “eggo” like some Kellog’s waffle…

It’s that special time when being on the water (or near it) becomes magical. The first time he explained it to me it was just before dusk, when the lake became placid and mirror-like. It made such an impact on me, I never forgot it.

Here I post things that capture the essence (at least in my mind) of EGO Time. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, click on the Feed logo (Feed this page) so that whenever I update this page, you’ll be notified.

JB (for DMB)

Tuesday April 6, 2009

Rio Corriente - Esquina, Corrientes, Argentina

Rio Corriente - Esquina, Corrientes, Argentina

Portillo, Chile

Portillo, Chile

Thursday April 9, 2009

Nahuel Huapi

Nahuel Huapi

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rio Arrayanes

Rio Arrayanes

click on the image to enlarge

The Arrayanes trees growing on the banks of their namesake’s river. (Courtesy of Living in Patagonia)

November, 2007

Sunset: Corriente River, Corrientes

Sunset: Corriente River, Corrientes

EGO moment in awe of nature…