Category: Featured Services

Recently I have been in touch with Martin from MyM FlyCast in Tierra del Fuego. I wrote up a little piece a while back about locations in Argentina which have great fishing and are sometimes over looked by fly-fishermen journeying to Argentina. Martin got in touch with me through a fly fishing forum where we are both members. I asked him if he would be interested in sharing an experience and some pictures and he sent me the following. I’m publishing the original version in Spanish and later will publish a translated version. I hope you enjoy it.

The name for this region, Tierra del Fuego, is not the name given to it by the first indigenous people, the Yaghan, who settled here a little while ago (10,000 years ago).

The name for this fantastically striking “Land of Fire” comes from Fernão de Magalhães (the Portuguese explorer, not the GPS company)… AKA Magellan, but we’ll just call him Fergie.

Fergie came across this harsh land in 1520, then came FitzRoy and Darwin.

I wonder what the trout were like back then… but from what I’ve seen, I don’t think they’ve changed much.


A fin de la temporada me llama mi amigo Sebastián con ganas de pescar, pero su llamado ocultaba otra cosa. Luego de largo rato dialogando, terminó confesando su deseo de pescar la trucha récord de su vida. No dudé un instante, y arreglamos el viaje. Al rato estaba reservando un lugar en el pesquero mas espectacular del planeta: el Río Grande.

¿Por que el Río Grande? Porque tiene las mejores Sea Run Brown Trout (o los reos, como se suele encontrar en alguna bibliografía española). Sembradas en la década del 30, nacen en el río y, a determinada edad, parten hacia el mar para alimentarse y crecer. Allí cambian su coloración a plateada con fines de adaptación, y en diversos estadios regresan al río, normalmente para reproducción. Mucha veces, esto no depende del estado de madurez del pez. A diferencia de los salmones, las truchas no mueren en el desove y desovan durante varios años seguidos. Otra ventaja del Río Grande es que la pesca es controlada sin polución, ni exceso de alimento, redes o competidores naturales.

El pool que pescamos por la mañana se encuentra en el sector 10 y se llama el Ojo Negro. Allí Sebastián capturó tres truchas de 4, 6, y 5 Kg., con una caña 7 Sage, línea intermedia y con la conocida Green Machine.

Finalizado el almuerzo y la siesta nos dirigimos a nuestro pool de la tarde. Sebastián se desconcertaba al ver saltar tanta trucha juntas. Decidimos usar un equipo parecido al de la mañana: caña 7, línea extra fast, lider de 2.50 y la Green Machine

Sebastián pescó 4 truchas más (en este orden: 5kg, 4kg, 6kg y 3kg) hasta que se hicieron las 8 de la noche, hora mágica de la caída del sol, en que los fueguinos cambiamos de línea por una de hundimiento 3, líder de 1.80, con una humpi atada en anzuelo salmonero numero 4.

En uno de sus primeros lances, en el momento que le imprimía pequeños movimientos con la punta de la caña y tironcitos en la línea, la superficie del agua explotó. Saltó una magnífica trucha. Luego del asombro y de espectaculares corridas y saltos, los 20 minutos de adrenalina quedaron registrados en la mente de Sebastián y en la cámara fotográfica: una espectacular trucha marrón de 7kg.

Por  Martin Maffioli


MyM FlyCast

Tierra del Fuego – Argentina

Local fishing guide, Claudio “El Vasco” Huebra, sent in some information about the Río Negro and his services, working primarily the area around the city of Neuquén.

Río Negro

This River is born out of the convergence of the Limay and Neuquén rivers in the western part of the country, and after crossing the entire province (the entire country in fact) from west to east, it quietly empties into the ocean (Mar Argentino). Like most rivers that traverse big valleys, its course isn’t through turbulent and rough waters, it is actually calm… yet awesome!!

Rio Negro

The species that inhabit these waters are the Rainbow, Brown (not many yet, since they were just stocked this year), Patagonian “pejerreyes”, Perch and Carp (which less known here).

In the Alto Valle (upper valley) we fish mostly Bows and pejerreyes… and the occasional Brown when they are in the mood for our flies… there are also Carp, but these are a relatively new species for us… we are testing out different flies, and a few have been successful!!

For catching Bows and Browns, we use #6 rods, WF or ST Fast II to V, and steamers that are no larger than No 6.

El Vasco

There are lot of pejerreyes, and these are not only a primary food source for the Rainbow and Brown, but they also very attractive for fly fishing!!! The ideal set equipment are #3 or #4 rods, floating WF or DT (best)  lines, and leaders no less than 12 feet, with 5X tippet.

Patagonian “pejerrey"

Carp – the only one I was able to catch was on WF wet tip and black with red headed Rabbit, and what a fight!!! They pull hard and although this one was just under 6 lbs. a previous catch weighed just under 30 lbs!!

In sum, this river has its enigmas, magic and stories to tell… I invite you to discover them.

Guided trips, from various points on the southern coast of the Río Negro, from Allen (Puesto Sánchez) to General Roca (La Palangana), include:

  • Transport to/from Gral. Roca
  • Pickup from your hotel, hostel, or other lodging
  • Although we will provide you with our recommendations, the start and finish of your fishing day are worked out based on your preferences and needs.

Modality: Fly Casting

Fishing access: coastal and wading.

Recommended equipment: #3 to #6 rods, Line: WF o DT-F (recommended), WF or ST-S Fast II & IV.

We strictly conform to the Patagonian Continental Fishing Regulations, and clients are responsible for obtaining the appropriate fishing license.
We do not offer equipment for rent but can provide information about where you may inquire.

Contact details:

• Cellular Phone: 02941-649195
• E-mail:
• Skype: claudiohuebra

Ask me about other rivers, such at the Limay, Zones  I, II & III.

Un abrazo y los espero!

El Vasco

I’m really excited about introducing my visitors to some new service providers on my blogroll.

Today’s featured service is “Aonikenk”. Apart from having a great name, this outfit opperates on some of my absolute favorite rivers in Patagonia… Chimehuin, Collón Cura, Aluminé, Caleufu and the Limay.

I think Eduardo (AKA “Bigua”) expresses his service and outfit better than I ever could. Check it out, and then check out the website. The pictures alone will knock you out.

My name is Eduardo Furlong. I am in charge of this dream come true called Aonikenk Fly Fishing. I am an angler, heart and soul, and life has led me to discover San Martín de los Andes, where I filled my life with mountains, rivers and lakes over 25 years ago, 21 of which I have been a professional guide.

I consider myself an illuminated person and I thank life for that. I invite my friends to share my favorite sport: fishing.

Nature gives us little pleasures every day. It gives us light, life, fresh air and unbeatable opportunities we will just find if we get immersed in its environment. One of these is water and its richness.

Let me lead you to enjoy the various ways of sharing a fishing outing, which will conclude in a friendship that will remain in the memories of many outings.

I have devoted a great part of my life to attempting to manage perfection as far as angling is concerned and I would like to share this with you.

My team –made up of professional guides- is highly qualified to turn your fishing outing into an unforgettable experience.

Once we become familiar with the chosen spot, we will start looking for the large trout.
I am sure that the largest one will escape. We, anglers, have an advantage: the fish grows as we travel home and once there, in our account, it will be heavier and larger.

Eduardo Furlong